Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The problem of Churchism

I am telling you what I am going to tell you...That is, after all, what I was told to do in seminary. "Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them."

I will be sharing thoughts, reflections, and experiences I have had in my 4 plus decades with those who claim to follow Christ. I'll say that what they follow is Churchism and not christianity. My time first as staff member then "lead" pastor will be the bulk of what I will talk about. Let me just say some of what I say may be disturbing to the faint of heart, so feel free not to read it.

To summarize, what has amazed me the most during the time I was attempting to lead a church toward being missional and effective was the opposition, the crazy expectations, the psychological transference, the selfishness, and the overall lack of support I received from church people. While I tried to lead the church to be effective at reaching people through serving our community, what I personally experienced was nothing short of emotional and relational crucifixion.

A new Christian whom I led to Christ out of a background of heresy and skepticism asked me early on in our conversations, "what is wrong with the people at church? They don't seem to have the same Jesus we do." My response was that Jesus is like a virus. Those who have sat in the pews for an hour a week their entire lives are just receiving inoculations to the virus. They get the Jesus virus in just small enough doses that they are prevented from actually catching it. They probably are immune to it now. No matter what is preached or what vision is compellingly cast, they will not receive it. Instead, like the gnostics they are, they will just give mental assent to the Truth without it having much if any impact on their lives.

It seems to me that what we have in the church is not a problem of strategy (there are plenty of those to go around). Nor is it a lack of understanding of the mission of the church (we all know it's to "make disciples" and to be faithful to Christ and His teachings). The problem is that Churchism (and the Churchists) are lacking in real spirituality. That fact leads church goers to want what they feel is best for them in spite of the consequences to reaching the lost or to the lives of pastors and their families. "Let the lost be damned. Let my pastor's family's hearts be broken. I want my programming. Let's focus on me" is the mantra of the Churchist.

Coming soon..."We're fat and claim to be underfed."

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