It has been nearly 3 years since my family had to move out of our nice home, leave my career and our friends behind and move into a tiny house with my elderly parents. In that time, I have learned that not everyone who is struggling financially can simply pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Sometimes people in need, just need help, even for a little while.
It amazes me when Churchists attempt to relate to my family. Often, they tell their story of having to wait to sell their nice house to move into a bigger one. Or they say that they understand because money is always tight. I don't know if they realize how disconnected from the reality of suffering they are. I heard a sermon some time ago by a young man who was talking about obstacles in our lives. His big obstacle was trying to sell his home so that he could move to a bigger one. God, he claimed, worked it out for them. Meanwhile, I sat in the pew, listening and thinking, "I have no home. The church took that from me. I make $1400 per month and am in school full time with a family of 5 to support."
We don't realize how unsympathetic and unrelatable we are when we talk about such things.
Actually, it goes far deeper than that. When Churchists talk about money and God's blessings, it never occurs to them how out of sync that is with Jesus. He never said, "save your treasure so that you may retire well" or "give just enough to get a tax break." No, His message was to help those in need, to sacrifice money and possessions for others, and to sell all we have and give to the poor.
I am grateful that my family is going to be rising out of the dire financial situation we have been in. In a few months, I will make about 60% of what I used to, and we will appreciate every penny of that. But, we have 4 months we have to survive before that, and no money. Guess how many of our "church friends" have offered to help us make it through this time...